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Sunday, August 24, 2008

Papua New Guinea in Brief

Just south of the equator and right above Australia lies the second largest island with land mass of 473.189sq. km.

It is the riches in natural resources including gold, silver/copper, crude oil, nickel, coblat, copra, forestry and fisheries and huge potential in tourism.

Estimated population of 5.9 million (2006) people the capital city is Port Moresby all mostly Melanesians, and with the time zone of MGT +10 hours. It currency is PNG Kina and it's nominal GDP is about US$5.9 billion.

It's major export markets are Australia, Japan and China it mainly export oil, gold, copper ore, logs, palm oil, coffee, cocoa, and seafood. It imports machinery and transport equipment, manufactured goods, food, fuels and chemicals from countries like Australia, Singapore, Japan and China.

English is the offical language used in business and schools through out the country but Melanesian Pidgin and Motu are also widely spoken.

It has the great tourist attraction from Diving to World War II relics - it it home to spectacular world diving sites for diver, for trekkers in is also home for the famous Kokoda Trek, Bulldog and Wild Cat tracks or even just sight seeing venues.

Vanimo is known for surfing with its huge waves and sandy beaches and also Kavieng in the New Ireland Province.

There are World War II relics every where from Wewak to Rabaul and even in North Solomons Province for those interesed to see the relics. For bird watchers, there are places you can visit in Western, Oro and any province of your choice or the traveller can visit the famous Huli Wigman if Tari and spend a night or two at the Ambua Lodge and get to the mighty Sepik River and spend some time in Karawari Lodge and board the Sepik Spirit and visit the village along the river.

For more information regarding a great travel to visit this magnificant country which is rich in culture and ethnically diverse kindly check this site:

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